California courts may make orders for Physical and Legal custody of minor children as part of a divorce or other family law proceeding. These orders seek to fulfill the best interest of the children involved in the case.
Joshi Law Firm can assist you and the other parent in the case to formalize an agreement for the custody of your children and obtain an enforceable order from the court. In cases where communication between parties is difficult, or agreement is not possible, we can help you in presenting your needs and concerns to the court.
If the existing orders for child custody and visitation no longer fit the needs of your family, we may be able to help you with modification. The Joshi Law Firm will consider the changes that have occurred in your family since the present orders were issued and help you to develop a parenting plan that will suit the requirements of your job schedule and that of the other parent, the academic and social activities of your growing children and the other particular needs of your family.
Call today to discuss your child custody options.